Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Does Jailbreaking help or hurt Apple's sales?

Does jailbreaking help or hurt Apple's iDevice sales? I was a somewhat early adopter of the iPod touch and I found myself bored with it after a week or so.  It sat around until I discovered jailbraking.  The fact that Cydia made it possible to enable the iPod touch to do all of these new features and also customize nearly every aspect of the device had me immediately hooked!  I currently have an iPhone 5 and unfortunately it was issued with iOS 6.1.3 which has not yet been jailbroken as of this writing.  I have been to referring back to my old iPhone 4 for all of my jailbroken fun.   I am eagerly awaiting the new jailbreak whether it be on iOS 6.1.4 or the new iOS7.  If Apple ever finds a way to shut down all jailboken iDevices, I will be heading over to an Android phone.  Even an unmodified (rooted) Android phone allows you significantly more freedom and room to flex your creative muscles than the out of the box iDevice.  While I do not believe it would sink Apple if the jailbreaking community jumped ship, it would certainly hit them in the wallet!  The jailbreaking community adds millions of users who would not otherwise be on an Apple device!

If you knew you could never jailbrake an iDevice (assuming it was 100% with no hope of any work around), would you still choose Apple products?

Please comment and let me know.

P.S. If you already think Apple sucks then this really doesn't apply to you! =)

other items of interest:
Ten iOS 7 features that were borrowed from the jailbreak community

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